Two weeks after you send your stool sample, you and your doctor will receive the result.
There are three possible results:
1. The stool test is normal.
This is the result for 943 in 1000 participants. In this case, you will automatically receive a new invitation from the Centre for Cancer Detection (CvKO) two years later. If you have any symptoms in the meantime, consult your GP.
2. The stool test is abnormal.
This is the result for 57 in 1000 people who send a stool test to the lab.
If you receive this result, it means the lab detected more blood than normal (≥50 ng/ml) in your stool sample. This can have different causes and does not necessarily mean you have polyps or colon cancer. Further examination is needed. With a visual examination or colonoscopy, colon polyps can be detected and removed. These polyps can be precursors to colon cancer.
3. The sample could not be analysed.
Sometimes the sample that arrives in the lab cannot be analysed (the collection kit has expired, the sample contains too much or too little stool, etc.). We will then provide you with a new collection kit free of charge to take another sample of your stool.